Masuk Daftar

dgn jelas bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "dgn jelas"
  • jelas:    apparent; bold; clean cut; clear; clearly;
  • dgn jelas (terang):    vividly
  • menanda atau menunjukkan dgn jelas:    designate
  • jelas:    apparent; bold; clean cut; clear; clearly; definite; evident; obvious; perceptible; sharp; unmistakable; vivid; clarity; crisp; dawn on; distinctly; downright; evidently; flagrant; glaring; graphic;
  • belum jelas:    unclear; inenubilable; clear as mud
  • cukup jelas:    selfexplanatory
  • dengan jelas:    affirmatively; articulately; clearly; coherently; conspicuously; decidedly; decisively; deferentially; distinctively; distinctly; earnestly; evidently; expressly; legibly; markedly; patently; penetr
  • harus jelas:    be clear; must be clear
  • haruslah jelas:    it should be clear
  • jelas digambarkan:    clearly difined
  • jelas dinyatakan:    express
  • jelas kelihatan:    apparent
  • jelas menggambarkan:    seem definite
  • jelas nyata:    obvious; seen; self-explanatory; boldfaced; clear cut; unsubtle
  • jelas sekali:    as clear as day; clear as bell; crystal clear; far and away; self-evident; self-explanatory; unmistakable
  • Show them clearly the strength of the Uenokogashu
    Biar mereka lihat dgn jelas kehebatan Uenokogashu
  • The board sent the message... loud and clear.
    Dewan sudah menyampaikan... dgn jelas.
  • I have small eyes, but I can see very well.
    Mataku memang sipit, tapi aku dapat melihat dgn jelas.
  • I can't hear you clearly.
    Aku tdk bisa mendengar mu dgn jelas.
  • But one more thing--I want you to listen to me very closely.
    tapi ada satu hal--aku ingin kamu mendengarku dgn jelas.
  • Now, it should be transmitted in the clear, so there can't be any question about
    Sekarang, itu harus dicari dgn jelas sinyalnya.
  • Reading you loud and clear, B.
    Mendengar dgn jelas sekali.
  • So that we have a clear understanding of what supplies and demands mean.
    Supaya kita faham dgn jelas apa maknanya bekalan dan permintaan
  • It will not prevent him at 60 centimeters from distinguishing any object clearly.
    Dlm jarak 60 cm dia bisa membedakan objek apapun dgn jelas.
  • And at that time, Mrs. Salinas, did you see their faces clearly?
    Dan pada saat ini, Ny. Salinas, anda melihat wajah mereka dgn jelas?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2